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Ordination of Deacons, Southwark Cathedral, 26 June 2021

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Bishop Jonathan ordaining Fr Daniel

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Fr David, Fr Daniel & Fr Mark Williams (Vicar of Kennington and Fr Daniel's former Vicar)

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Croydon Area Deacons with Bishop Jonathan & Archdeacons Moira and Rosemarie

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The Revd Helga Zunde-Baker (All Saints' was her 'sending parish')


The Revd Francesca Perlman - former Ordinand on placement at All Saints

Farewell to Helga Zunde-Baker


We bid au revoir to Helga Zunde-Baker as she prepares for her Ordination as Deacon on 26 June.  As her home and sending parish, it was good to Helga back and Deacon at High Mass, at the end of which she was presented with a card and purple stole.


Helga goes with our love and prayers for her Ordination on 26 June in Southwark Cathedral; she will serve as Assistant Curate in the Parish of Hackbridge and Beddington Corner.

A few photos of the (socially distanced) Parish Mass on our first Sunday back in church as the lockdown was eased - 12 July 2020

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