The Choristers
The Choristers were established in September 2024, to provide children with the opportunity to experience high-quality choral music and be a part of our choir.
Membership of the choristers is open to children in Year 3 and above who want to be part of our musical tradition – no experience is necessary! They follow the same academic term as choir and choral scholars, but usually only sing with them on alternate Sunday mornings and appropriate festal occasions (including the annual service of Nine Lessons and Carols).
Choristers are initially admitted as a Probationer, and will be awarded their surplice and admitted as a full Chorister after about 6 weeks. The choristers sit in the front rows of the stalls, with members of the choir and the choral scholars to support them to follow the service (they can also join the Sunday Club if they wish).

The choristers rehearse separately on a Thursday evening from 7 to 7.45pm in the church, before the choir and choral scholars, and then rehearse with them prior to each of the services. A termly dates list is published outlining which services the choristers are expected to attend.
Above all, singing in the choir is about having fun; children will not only benefit from gaining valuable experience singing at a high standard as part of our team, but can also earn pocket money (calculated based on their attendance) for their efforts and contribution towards the church’s musical life.
We hope in time that some choristers may want to progress to a choral scholarship to support the next generation of singers, or to join the choir and start their lifetime of musical fulfilment.
Find out more and apply
If you are interested or would like to discuss anything further please contact Antony Matthews, our Director of Music (