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All Saints' Parish Church, Carshalton

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Welcome from
the Rector

All Saints is the ancient Church of England Parish Church for Carshalton and The Wrythe; there has been a church on this site since Saxon times and we continue to be very much at the heart of our local community.  From about 1160 to the Dissolution of the Monasteries, All Saints' was held by the Augustinian Canons of Merton Priory, just a few miles north of here. We are in the modern Catholic tradition of the Church of England, rejoicing in the diversity of our community.  We are inclusive and open to all, regardless of age, gender, race, sexuality or background.  We're known for our stunning interior, our musical tradition and our welcome. The Mass (Eucharist or Holy Communion) is central to our life together and on Sundays we gather at 9am for an informal All Age Mass and 1030am for High Mass, which has a Cathedral style approach with music sung by our robed choir.  Refreshments, including fresh coffee, are served after both Masses.  Sung Evening Prayer is at 6.30pm each Sunday (Choral Evensong on the first Sunday of each month). Daily Prayer and the Mass are offered on most weekdays and all are very welcome.


A place of prayer and sanctuary for 1200 years, we exist to worship God and serve the people of this parish in any way we can - doing so with all the joy, hope and love that comes from faith in Jesus Christ, God's final and eternal word of love.  We are proud to partner with All Saints Carshalton Church of England Primary School, with whom we have strong links (


Thank you for visiting this website - and we look forward to welcoming you in person soon, to share our life and encounter God in Jesus Christ, who makes his home amongst us; a warm welcome awaits you!


Fr David Fisher

Rector of Carshalton






Use the Quick Link for service details & liturgy

Services of Worship



All main services continue to be live-streamed

on FaceBook


The church is open for Private Prayer

Tuesdays to Fridays, 10:30 till 1pm




Click on the button below to read the inspiring review 

of the year, presented at the APCM on 28 April


Details of all services are on the 'Worship' page

The calendar below is kept up to date if you need to check, or are looking for an event availability.



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Booking now open - click on the poster to go to the right place. There will be a licensed bar all evening as usual

All Saints is the Anglican Parish Church for central Carshalton in the London Borough of Sutton, England. The extent of our parish is shown on the parish map part of this website. Having been a place of Christian worship for 1200 years, we are very much a living church, offering dignified yet accessible worship. Our historic building is placed in a beautiful setting by Carshalton Ponds, and has an outstanding interior.


All Saints is within the Diocese of Southwark which is a geographical section of the Church of England. The Church of England web site describes our Christian faith.


We offer traditional Church of England baptism, wedding and funeral services.


As you move about the church, please take care. This ancient church contains features such as stone steps, hot candles and incense, and a stone floor that is uneven in places. Similarly the grave­yard has uneven surfaces and many trip hazards such as kerb-stones that may be concealed in undergrowth.

All Saints' Primary School

Carshalton Parish Church has for many years played an active part in primary education. 


It is a happy, high achieving school that accepts children for who they are, and aims to give them throughout their time security, confidence and stability. It promotes spiritual awareness, self-esteem and proper confidence, the children are encouraged to develop lively and enquiring minds and be able to form good personal relation­ships, and they are equipped with the knowledge and skills to face the future in an always changing world. While its academic record has always been a good one, faith is at the heart of a Christian school, and ours aims to be a place of love and joy, of mutual understanding and emotional depth. God has been good to us, and the school strives to share those good things.

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All Saints Church, High Street, Carshalton, SM5 3AG

©2019 by All Saints Church, Carshalton.

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